Please complete our required waiver prior to arrival of your first class.

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our new student offer is only available during your first visit; new students. an intention bring consistency to your yoga practice with us! the more you show, the more you discover what your journey is showing you!

frequently asked questions





*Park in our back lot - entrance to lobby is in the back


All Classes are in a heated room using the latest in infrared heating panels, except Restorative and Yin; are non heated. Refer to our class descriptions for more information.

Most people get used to the heat and humidity rather quickly and feel an experience that keeps them coming back for more! A little more info. following below! Feel free to look up more information about infrared heating panels and the endless benefits!


Our infrared ceiling panels are designed to warm the room from the floors and to the walls without any blowing heat or particles in the air. Infrared gives a similar sensation of being under the nature like beams of the sun. Rather a gentle radiant heat that penetrates beneath the skin and delivers a therapeutic approach to your body. As an infrared therapy for your body to experience, there are incredible benefits ranging from immune support to cell renewal and more! We love to point out the benefits of detoxification, the speedy recovery of your muscles, and a decrease in joint pain. There is a steady detox through sweat as the infrared waves benefit your body by heating it directly and causing a rise in core temperature which results in a deep detoxifying sweat at the level where toxins reside. As an induced deep-sweat leads to making the heart pump faster, the result is an increase to blood flow and circulation. Better circulation means more toxins flow from the cellular level to the skin’s surface to improve cell health and strengthen the immune system. The infrared heat works to penetrate deep into the tissues, joints and muscles to relieve aches and pains. Many therapy and treatment plans incorporate infrared to help speed up recovery time. The best of many of the benefits you can receive during your yoga class, is the relaxation your body will feel while receiving a deep tissue sweat! Leave class feeling rejuvenated and you may even notice a better night’s sleep! Always hydrate well before and after class. Hydration is such an important benefit and needed after practicing. Please note under our “class vibes” tab, each class will list heated or non heated.


Consult with your doctor or midwife before attending any yoga class or change in a regimen during your pregnancy. Please let us know so that we can offer advice as well as modifications and resting poses.


Our fascia is an endless bodysuit just beneath our skin, from head to toes! Our fascia surrounds the muscles, and envelopes the entire body; our joints, tendons, ligaments and even our bones are encompassed and endlessly combined in order to support and protect our framework. A body wide intelligence, and a sensory to our nervous system. Myofascial release is a technique we use here at Olive Branch Yoga during our yoga classes by using special techniques and myofascial release tools. Have you ever experienced a crackling sound in your shoulders or a gritty texture in your feet? That’s the sound and sensation of your fascia, and its being rehydrated after being stagnant for a period of time. The more pliable our fascia is, the more hydrated and pliable for our joints to move and our communication to be fluid. The love of myofascial release in our yoga classes not only adds extra benefits and fine tunes your joints and movements, its also an incredible key to body awareness! In short, the more hydrated our fascia is, the more happy our muscles, joints, and body will be!


We would love to have you be a part of our community! Show up for an experience to see if this practice is for you. There are so many kinds of yoga! Sometimes it's finding the right kind of yoga, but it’s also about finding the right kind of community and connections that make you feel at home.


Yoga is a journey that shows you something new every time you practice. It is so much more than a pose, or a level of flexibility, or wearing yoga pants. Only you can begin to understand what yoga is ​for you when you show up; it’s your personal journey. Let your yoga always be a practice, a place to grow and reflect. Always welcome a beginner’s mind each time you meet yourself on your mat.


Must be 16 or older. Under the age of 18 must have an adult sign their waiver and addendum form prior to class.


Read the class descriptions page and yoga class tips (below) before attending. Be sure to let the teacher know this is your first practice. Set your mat between others for a better way to see the direction class is going. Listen to your body and take out what doesn’t feel good for you; it’s okay to NOT do everything in class. We ask that you stay in the room so that your body doesn’t work so hard trying to readjust from leaving the heat. Welcome yourself to child’s pose or a seat at anytime you feel the need to rest.


  • Doors lock at class start time. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early so that you have plenty of time to sign in/register, set your mat space up, and ask any questions. Note: parking is in the back, and entry into lobby.

  • Always let the instructor know if there have been any changes in your health or if you have an injury. Stay home if you are not feeling well or have a temperature. Constant coughing, and or the need to blow your nose often during class can create discomfort in the surroundings. Please avoid coming in if you are experiencing any symptoms that can make others uncomfortable; be mindful of our practice times together.

  • Wear comfortable clothing you can easily fold, twist, and sweat in. It is important to be mindful of hygiene, clean clothes to practice in (and sweat in!). No perfumes. You may want to bring a change of clothes if you’re headed elsewhere after class!

  • Bring a mat, towel, and water. Forgot? We offer: mat rental $4, towel $2, water $2

  • You will sweat! Be sure to hydrate throughout the day (as you should everyday), and before class. Drink plenty of water afterwards too! We are BIG on Electrolytes and the benefits they provide.

  • It’s recommended to not eat an hour or so before you practice. Your body will be expected to move and do some work. You may be fine to have a light snack (nothing heavy or rich) before class if you haven’t had much to eat.

  • Remove your shoes BEFORE entering the yoga room. Hang coats and personal belongings FIRST, then set your mat space. Less traffic in and out of our yoga room helps support our panels busy at work building heat, and also gives a more relaxing welcoming when less coming and going in and out of our yoga room.

  • Leave your cell on silent in lobby; NO personal electronic devices are allowed in the room that may interrupt others’ practice space.

  • We are not responsible for lost or stolen personal items. Leave your valuables in your locked vehicle.

  • Please stay the entire class. We are here to enjoy class, including final savasana, the most important of all. Let’s avoid making any interruptions.

  • Questions about your account? Email our studio at hello.olivebranchyoga@gmail.com

How To Reserve Ahead

  1. VIEW LIVE SCHEDULE. Our live schedule shares 2 weeks in advance.

  2. Choose your class.

  3. Purchase a payment option (Create your profile on MINDBODY or login)

  4. Complete our electronic waiver prior to class.

  5. Always check our live schedule before heading to class incase of cancellation. If studio should have a cancellation, drop in’s and class passes will be credited back to client’s account. We announce any schedule changes on our social media platforms; Facebook and Instagram and texting app.

  6. What is a waitlist? If our class has reached past our available spots, you will receive a “waitlist” notification when going to reserve. Keep checking back to see if your spot was moved into class. Reserving in advance is the best way to have a mat spot with us. Our studio encourages reserving ahead, and also requires a 2hr cancellation policy.

  • No show or late cancellation policy= no refund for drop in or class pass. Memberships will be charged $10 to their account.

  • If you need to cancel a class, please cancel 2 hours prior to class time to avoid loss of drop in/class pass or charged $10 to account on file.


  • Stay in the loop with us by following our social media links on Facebook and Instagram.

    Note: When completing our electronic waiver, be sure that your information and email match your profile created with us. This helps keep your account up to date and communication an easy access when needed!